+39 340 600 9124
Lun - Ven 9:00-13:00 | 15:30-18:30

We Speak English

You are in Sardinia on holiday or for work, and you need to be assisted by a professional lawyer? You can come to visit our legal office in Olbia (street Lazio 44, Olbia, Sardinia).

We know that most of the time the law and its systems are incredibly confusing and almost impossible to navigate without a legal assistance. But if you think that your human rights have been violated and you want to see how the legal system works, you are in the right place.

It’s very important to get a legal assistance if you come into contact with the law in any way- including as a defendant (as in you have been accused of commiting a crime) or as a claimant/plaintiff (where you are seeking justice for violations of your rights –eg suing a person or institution).

Remember, for any question and request contact us by sending an e-mail or calling the following number: +39 0789 1791056 (ask for Dott.ssa Pricope Diana) from Monday to Friday 9.00 a.m.-1 p.m.

Our team will get back to you as soon as possible!

Studio Legale Durgoni


Via Lazio, 44

Phone: +39 0789 179 1056
Mobile: +39 340 600 9124
Email: info@studiolegaledurgoni.com


Via Nazionale, 90

Mobile: +39 340 600 9124
Email : info@studiolegaledurgoni.com

Do you have any question?

Write us by filling out the form below.

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